Eminent Domain DELAY
In many communities across the USA there are citizen property owners who are being taken advantage of by their own government through Eminent Domain Delay Abuse behind closed doors. This can happen to anyone, and the disabled and disadvantaged are particularly vulnerable. You must help stop Eminent Domain Delay Abuse now before more innocent citizens are victimized !
What is Eminent Domain Delay Abuse? It is the damage caused to private property owners by their government, when the government "redlines" private property for an Eminent Domain taking of the property, and then delays finalizing (and paying anything for) the taking for so long as to cause damage to the owner.
It happens like this : At the stroke of a pen, the government "redlines" an owner's private property on the public record as a property to be "taken" for public use using the power of Eminent Domain. This is allowable by law. County Property Appraiser maps often immediately show the "redline" in real time. Once the "redlining" has occurred, the world is put on notice that Eminent Domain is coming to that property someday.
But when? Immediately upon "redlining", many property owners (especially owners of vacant land) have now suffered extreme limitations on the utility of their private property, and extreme limitations to the property's capacity to earn enough money annually to pay its own expenses.
These owners cannot economically build upon or improve their property because any improvements (which would otherwise have a useful life of several decades) will soon be destroyed by the Eminent Domain and will go to waste. In many cases, the owner will never be compensated for many of the improvements lost. Lenders do not want to lend funds to improve "redlined" property. County Building Departments do not want to approve any new permits in "redlined" areas. Most owners of "redlined" property cannot sell their property either because no one else wants to get involved with property with these limitations.
So as a result of the "redlining", the economic viability of the property has been taken, but the ownership of the property has not! The property owner still has to pay property taxes, property insurance and all other costs of maintaining the property until the government gets around to paying for the property rights taken by the "redlining". In some cases, this can take many years and decades, perhaps the remaining decades of your life!
In one extreme case, a property owner of vacant commercial land in Central Florida that was "redlined" has been FORCED TO PAY PROPERTY TAXES, ASSESSMENTS & MAINTENANCE FOR 24 YEARS on vacant land !!! This is a good example of Eminent Domain Delay Abuse, and this particular case is still occurring. Going into the 25th year of abusive delay by their government this "redlined" owner IS STILL PAYING, otherwise will lose their ancestral property in a government mandated property tax sale!
If you or someone you know has, or is currently suffering from Eminent Domain Delay Abuse, or if you just want to help those who are suffering, please email us at our address at the bottom of this page. We hope to raise awareness, support victims, and most of all, to solicit help from lawmakers and property rights advocates to CHANGE THE LAW to protect the public from this abuse.